Hello everyone! We hope you are safe and doing well during this pandemic. Of course, we all want to go out and live our daily lives like normal again, but times and situations have changed and it feels like this has become our new normal. Especially with COVID-19 cases rising it seems like we will never get out of this pandemic. However, for the health and safety of ourselves and everyone else, it's very important to practice safe habits for a public outing. In this blog post, we will be talking about the different things you should be doing if you plan to go out and why they are significant.
Hygienic practices
For starters, it's important to have safe hygienic practices, regardless of but especially because of the pandemic. Limit contact with commonly touched surfaces or shared items and make sure to clean things regularly. Wash your hand with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or/and use a minimum 60% alcohol hand sanitizer as often as possible. Don't touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not properly clean. Cover cough and sneeze using tissues or the inside of your elbow. These things may seem mundane but are essential to do to stay safe. It's also noteworthy to know if the places you are purchasing products or services from are also following these practices for optimum safety. For example, a partner of ours, Rachel the Photographer, is still providing her photo sessions but is changing things to follow COVID-19 guidelines and prevent risks.
Social Distancing
Social distancing is keeping a physical space between yourself and others. Although you may be tempted to hug that one close friend of yours when you see them at the grocery store or squeeze past some people to get to the line, it's very important to maintain physical distance. The CDC recommends that people should be six feet apart or about two arm lengths from each other. This is because studies show that fluids from illnesses like COVID-19 can travel up to 6 feet from one's body. By socially distancing, you are reducing the physical interaction between yourself and other people which overall lowers the risk of transmitting the virus. Most businesses are following this protocol by having a limited number of people in-store at a time or indicators of what's six feet apart in lines. Check out places like Corazon along with many others that have safe outdoor lines for food pickup.
Wearing a mask
WEAR A MASK! WEAR A MASK! WEAR A MASK! A study by Nature Medicine journal showed that in February 2020, 130,000 lives in the United States could have been saved if 95% of the population wore masks. COVID-19 is mostly transmitted through respiratory droplets from when someone opens their mouth, coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, or breathes. By wearing a mask or other face covering, you not only prevent yourself from transmitting the disease but also reduce the chance of catching it. The CDC recommends wearing a two or more layered mask made of a tightly woven, breathable fabric that fits snug to your face. Remember to wear it over your nose and mouth at all times when around other people who are not part of your household (with some exceptions)! Take a look at local businesses such as Flo Masks who create great masks that will keep you and others safe.
Stay at home
Are you having a fever? Runny nose? Sore throat? If you are feeling any sickness with symptoms such as the mentioned, then please stay at home. Although you may just be sick with the common cold, it's better that you quarantine yourself somewhere until you feel better. This is because COVID-19 symptoms are similar to common illnesses. Some COVID-19 symptoms include fever, coughs, difficulty breathing, body aches, and a new loss of taste or smell. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus so, to reduce the risk of potentially spreading the virus, it is highly recommended you don't go out or have many physical interactions with other people. But don't freight, there is still much you can do while being quarantined at home. Many restaurants have delivery options and online shopping can help you get the products you need without having to leave the house. Try calling Thai Spoons to order your next meal straight to the comfort and safety of your own home.
We hope this is just a refresher and you are already familiar with these things, and if not then please take note to practice these safe protocols for the next time you plan to go out. Respecting basic hygienic practices and COVID-19 guidelines provided by the CDC or other trusted health officials is necessary for us to stay safe. By doing the things mentioned, we will be able to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus and gradually reduce the number of people with it. Many local small businesses are promoting these guidelines and it's important to follow them. So the next time you plan to head out, make sure you are wearing a mask, social distancing, and practicing safety for yourself and others!
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